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Trustworthy AI transforms our work at OneTrust

AI is unleashing new potential, and new concerns. AI holds the promise to drive enterprise-wide efficiencies by increasing user engagement and productivity. It also represents the potential to introduce new revenue streams by transforming existing business models. Achieving these goals cannot come at the cost of data protection or ethical principles.  
OneTrust embeds AI technology in our products to ensure that business outcomes are achieved through AI innovation, but not at the expense of trust. Transparency is the first step in building trust and this page is dedicated to openly sharing our guidelines and best practices for responsible use of AI at OneTrust.  

Our principle-based approach to responsible AI 

We have designed a set of strong principles that integrate our ethical standards into how we approach the design, delivery and use of AI solutions and services. Behind these principles, we have invested in the frameworks, data infrastructure, and community necessary to confidently build and use AI responsibly. By doing so, we facilitate a future where technology and human ingenuity converge to create value for our customers. 

Icon depicting two squares overlapping at the corner with a pattern in the overlapping area representing transparency

Transparency by design

Openness and explainability about how AI systems work is part of our journey. Outlining the data that is processed by an AI system, the logic behind the processing algorithm, and material impact of an AI system on individuals are essential to understanding an AI system. 

icon depicting two hands holding up a shield with a checkmark representing safety and reliability

Safety and reliability assurance 

AI systems shall be designed to perform safely and reliably. Any material statements about its safety and reliability must be supported with documented evidence. 

Icon depicting a flow of different shapes stemming from a circle with a checkmark in the middle

Algorithmic accountability 

Humans develop AI systems and are ultimately responsible for any harm that results from outcomes produced by AI systems. We require a clear system of accountability for managing AI risks to ensure that any issues with a potentially negative impact on individuals are detected early and managed responsibly. 

icon depicting three people with different shapes on their shirts representing fairness and inclusivity

Fairness and inclusivity 

AI systems shall not harbor biases or promote discriminatory practices. We must develop AI systems that ensure inclusivity and growth for all. 

Icon depicting a two documents stacked with a shield and checkmark on top representing privacy centric data protection

Privacy-centric data protection 

Transparent data collection, accountable use and responsible management of data are key pillars of protecting all categories of data in AI systems. 

Icon depicting a hand holding up a closed padlock representing data stewardship

Data stewardship

Industry recognized information security safeguards shall be put in place to protect data before we entrust data to AI systems. 

Our AI governance practices 

OneTrust’s AI Governance Committee oversees our efforts of building a robust AI governance program to ensure our current and future use of AI systems conforms with OneTrust’s responsible AI principles, regulatory standards, and best industry practices.

Coworkers in discussion in a meeting room with a whiteboard and a table

AI across our solutions

AI underpins our solutions, and we continue to invest in its transformative potential to drive value for our customers. By balancing innovation with a proactive risk management strategy and incorporating perspectives from diverse stakeholders, we are steadfast in our commitment to harnessing AI to enhance experiences and outcomes for our valued customers. 

Explore the ways AI empowers our products below.

AI-driven document classification accurately identifies and categorizes files and their contents while also facilitating the comprehensive management of data throughout its lifecycle, ensuring effective control and governance from creation to disposal. 

Explore Data Discovery

Graphic depicting data retention and deletion widgets from the OneTrust platform

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and ML-powered questionnaire response automation store questionnaire answers and security documentation to improve RFP response times and reduce repetitive work.

Widgets from the OneTrust Platform Questionnaire Response Automation solution

A bot powered by advanced AI and supported by the largest regulatory research platform in the world finds valuable insights and tackles even the most challenging regulatory inquiries.

Explore DataGuidance

Graphic depicting widgets from OneTrust DataGuidnace including the new Chatbot feature

We support the responsible AI community

The collective development of tangible governance tools for trustworthy, safe, and fair AI is a necessity in today's business landscape. 

Become a champion of responsible AI

See how we can help you gain visibility and control over your AI technology.