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Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)

Ensure your data is protected in the cloud and beyond

Continuously assess your data and security posture, automatically remediate issues with data policies, and maintain compliance with industry regulations ensuring that data is known, protected, and governed depending on jurisdiction and data type. 

  • Use AI to discover data across your infrastructure, including cloud, SaaS, and on-prem environments
  • Monitor for changes and detect data drift from what you expect with continuous scanning and data mapping 
  • Discover unknown data and identify whether it is sensitive or exposed to privacy or data security risks

Graphic depicting a catalog search with a category tag of "Health Data"

Let your employees work in the tools they want while ensuring data is protected

No matter where data might be stored in your organization, scan your environments to uncover unknown data, classify and catalog it, and mitigate security and privacy risks. Connect to virtually any data source via our pre-built connectors to automate data discovery and continuous monitoring of your cloud data. 

Automatically discover shadow data and sensitive data in your clouds and other data sources

Find, categorize, and catalog data like PII, sensitive PII, healthcare and financial information, or any type of data you’d like to know about across your entire data estate.

Graphic depicting a catalog search with the category tag set as "Health Data"

With pre-built connectors to hundreds of data sources, Data Discovery has your data estate covered. In the event you have a bespoke or custom data source, we also have an open, documented SDK for your teams to build your own custom connectors.

The OneTrust logo in the center of a network of services that include Microsoft Azure, SharePoint, Google Drive, among others.

Find sensitive data that lives in openly shared files or folders. Identify passwords, secrets, or keys that are kept unencrypted in source code or other data sources. Automatically remediate these issues with integration workflows.

Graphic depicting a snippet from an onboarding documents with sensitive data like username and password flagged

September 24, 2024

Enhancing Data Governance: OneTrust and Snowflake strategies for data-driven businesses

Join us for a webinar with Jim Warner and Alex Cash to explore how Snowflake and OneTrust can revolutionize your data governance strategy, helping you maintain data quality, ensure compliance, and exceed marketing ROI in 2024.

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Data Discovery & Classification

Automate your data discovery and classification process and inform business decisions among privacy, security, and data governance teams.

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Data Retention & Deletion

Automate data retention & deletion to reduce security risk, decrease IT costs, and maintain compliance.

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Data Minimization

Identify and remove redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data across your data estate to minimize your sensitive data footprint and reduce your attack surface.

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