When used responsibly and effectively, your data is a strategic asset to your business. We help you understand and secure your sensitive and personal data – wherever it lives – so you can activate your data while building customer trust.
Data volumes are rapidly increasing due to AI and cloud advancements, making it tough for businesses to protect sensitive data and comply with regulations. Our Data Discovery & Security software helps by providing insights into your data, allowing you to establish effective governance, protection, and remediation policies – all while maximizing data value and ensuring compliance.
When used responsibly and effectively, your data is a strategic asset to your business. We help you understand and secure your sensitive and personal data – wherever it lives – so you can activate your data while building customer trust.
Intelligently discover and classify sensitive data in structured & unstructured data sources using AI-powered models trained with the world’s largest regulatory research data set.
Effectively protect and govern sensitive data through its lifecycle with automated policy enforcement and remediation actions.
Address data privacy and security risks before they become issues to preserve the reputation of your organization, maintain compliance, and enable your stakeholders to use data responsibly.
Explore our resources below, or request a demo, to learn more about how we can help you discover, protect, and secure your sensitive data.
Data privacy laws like GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, the EU AI Act, and more are in place to help protect organizational data from cybersecurity breaches, or unauthorized access, by establishing stringent data security requirements, promoting accountability and governance, and enforcing fines and penalties in cases of noncompliance. While we help organizations minimize vulnerabilities and comply with these regulations, we encourage our customers to go beyond compliance by establishing trust by design across the data lifecycle.
Learn more about how to navigate the data lifecycle with OneTrust
Just like there are varying types of sensitive data, there are also differences in how and where your data resides. Structured data is considered highly organized – formatted to fit a predefined data model or schema like an Excel file or customer database. Examples include names, phone numbers, account numbers, credit card information, social security numbers, and more.
Unstructured data makes up the majority of enterprise data. This type of data cannot be as easily analyzed using conventional data tools. A few examples include emails, multimedia files, or chat conversations. Both structured and unstructured data can contain personally identifiable information or intellectual property that organizations must safeguard.
With OneTrust, you can discover, govern, and secure your data – whether it lives in unstructured file shares, structured databases, big data storage, SaaS applications, or other cloud solutions.