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PIA and DPIA Automation

Gain visibility and efficiency while minimizing risk

The process of creating, distributing, and analyzing PIAs and DPIAs requires automation to effectively and efficiently achieve “privacy by design.”

  • Integrate with existing business processes and tools to simplify the PIA process
  • Determine and reduce risk with visibility, workflows, and controls to enforce privacy best practices
  • Demonstrate compliance with real-time regulatory intelligence, insights, and analytics

Comprehensive risk discovery 

Embed privacy impact assessments into existing business systems to get a full picture of privacy risk and manage the workflows and controls to enforce mitigation of those risks. 

The Microsoft, WorkDay, Slack, and Jira Software logos surround and connect to the OneTrust logo.

Automate your privacy impact assessments 

Build, import, or customize your assessment templates to meet the needs of your organization. Choose from over 250 available templates, including privacy impact assessments (PIA), vendor risk assessments, subject rights requests, and data breach incidents. 

Administrators can choose the type of assessment templates that fit the needs of their organization.

Whether an assessment is initiated by the privacy office or the project leader, define the end-to-end process from assignment to collaborative review and approval. Implement threshold assessments to determine if PIAs are necessary and set conditions to automatically escalate PIAs with high risk to DPIAs.

The PIA and DPIA Automation module steps the user through assessment questions that help determine if a PIA needs to be escalated to a DPIA.

As PIAs are submitted to the privacy office, risks are automatically flagged with illustrated severity, likelihood, and remediation recommendations provided.  You can also manually flag risks and provide additional guidance on a project-by-project basis.

A PIA's risk, impact, and its likelihood is graded by severity.

Measure the effectiveness of your privacy program in mitigating your sources of risk. Maintain a complete record of privacy program activities, which may be exported as a full report for any project conducted by the privacy team to speed up internal and external audits.

Two entries from the risk register where users could elevate an assessment for review.

August 21, 2024

OneTrust Live: Unlocking the power of automation for privacy programs

Join us for a live demo where we will discuss the advanced capabilities of OneTrust solutions in data privacy enforcement, first-party data collection, and AI innovation.

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Customer testimonial

With OneTrust as our privacy management software tool, we are well equipped to demonstrate our compliance to regulators.
Jack Yusko, Privacy Compliance Analyst, Marketo
Businesswoman working with a tablet in her office

Demonstrate your trust transformation 

The complex regulatory environment requires agility. We’re here to support you in achieving and maintaining compliance with relevant regulations and frameworks.


Operationalize privacy by design and demonstrate privacy program effectiveness for GDPR compliance.

US Privacy

Assess data processing activities and mitigate risks to comply with US privacy laws

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Ready to get started?

Request a free demo today to see how OneTrust can guide your trust transformation journey